Wednesday, April 13, 2011

4/13/11:What this blog is for.

All most all of us have had a day were we look around us and think about the problems of society. I feel I need to create this blog anonymously to post opinions and theories, that if I were to speak in person about I would be hated among my peers. Not for being biased to a certain extent like everyone else, not for my complex outlook, but because I know if I got people interested in my ideals a percentage of people would only be part of a crowd; this is true in anything. Whether it be mainstream, nonprofit, a speech, a game, or maybe just the actions of your peers. The stem of all problems in humanity is the paradox that people must look for a compromise for everything, regardless of their own personal beliefs and principles; if enough is hanging in the balance, that is. Also, beside the compromise-rs there are apathetic,corrupt, and those don't have belief in anything, simply because they might find it fit for their own reasons.
Do I have a solution for all of this that will satisfy everyone? Of course not, but I do and always believe there always going to be(for the problems society can handle as of now)answers that satisfy specific groups and parties, and answers that will make most people happy. Neither one I agree with,(usually)for as long as there is money involved(which it always is in important political and corporation problems) that we need to strip down to the bare necessities and get rid of all of the organizations/how a company is operated that have better alternatives, or are simply just another 'solution' to a 'problem' that is only there to satisfy the public. (i.e. companies being saved by the government that should be history by now.)
  Thanks for reading, I plan to update soon-Ty

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